Renfrew Lodge No. 122 - Since 1859
Renfrew Lodge No. 122 , A.F. & A.M. was the first Masonic Lodge established in the Upper Ottawa Valley. In 1858, the municipality that had developed around the falls on the Bonnechere River was incorporated as the Village of Renfrew. In August 1859, ten Masons from Renfrew, Arnprior, Douglas, White Lake, Admaston and McNab met and raised the money necessary to procure a dispensation from Grand Lodge, submitted an application, and on December 19th, 1859, Renfrew Lodge No. 122 held its 1st regular meeting at Munro’s Hotel. It is of note that the first officers of the Lodge had to travel to Belleville to be installed in their offices - a rather arduous journey in 1859.
After 11 years at Munro’s Hotel, the Lodge moved its meetings to the Sons of Temperance Hall for a period of two years. Following that, meetings took place for 20 years in Bro. Muir’s building, the newly built Barnet Building, and finally the O’Brien Block. In September 1976, Renfrew Lodge, in cooperation with Sterling Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.), formed the Renfrew Temple Group (RTG) for the purpose of purchasing a permanent home for Masonry in Renfrew. In 1984, the RTG purchased the O’Brien Apartments, and currently functions as the landlord for 2 commercial ventures, 17 residential apartments, and a Masonic Temple which houses Renfrew Lodge No. 122, Sanhedrin Chapter No. 114 Royal Arch Masons, Sterling Chapter No. 105 O.E.S and the Ottawa Valley Shrine Club.
Renfrew Lodge continues to serve Masonic needs in the Renfrew area, meeting on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m (or the 1st Tuesday, when Monday is a holiday), except June, July and August.